Tag: Homeopathy for babies

Homeopathy for croup
What do you do when your child woke in the middle of the night with croup? They are barking and their breathing is laboured. You are nervous and frightened. Seeing your child gasping for breath is nerve wracking. Grab your…
Homeopathic remedies for cough – Part 2

This is Homeopathic remedies for cough Part 2. You can read Part 1 here Once you’ve figured out the answers to the questions in Part 1 you can start looking for the right remedy. It’s impossible to cover all cough…

Homeopathy for cough – Part 1

If you want to skip straight to the remedies click here for Homeopathy for cough Part 2. Does homeopathy work for cough? The answer is a resounding YES. In some cases all it takes is one remedy granule and cough…